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Type 1 or Type 2?
Type 1 diabetes is when the body produces little or no insulin. Type 2 diabetes is when the body cannot properly use the insulin being produced.

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Diabetes Warning Signs on the Hands

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What is Diabetes?

The human body makes glucose from several different foods including rice, potatoes, bread, fruit and milk. Glucose is a fuel for your body. A hormone called insulin (produced by the pancrease) is needed to process glucose. When there is a problem with the body's production of insulin, the condition is known as diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is when the body produces little or no insulin. Type 2 diabetes is when the body cannot properly use the insulin being produced.

Diabetes can be a very serious condition that affects everything from daily energy levels, to the eyes and vision. Left untreated, complications can even require amputation of the leg.

Diabetes Indicator on the Hands - Warning Signs of Diabetes in Child or Adult:

On the hands of many people with diabetes there appears a set of small lines on the palms, perpendicular to the heart line. These small lines look almost like little cuts on the hand, as if the tip of a knife was pressed into the skin. The small lines either connect to or cut through the line of heart.

There are a few other signs on the hands that can indicate diabetes, but this set of small lines is by far the most reliable I have found.

* Note: This information is not in any way meant to be used for diagnosis or treatment evaluations. Any warning signs of diabetes should be examined by a qualified physician.

Diabetes Resources:

Canadian Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Association

Written: October 11, 2006

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